The team of Ascender was excited while engaged with VT COSMETICS to create the creative strategy. Ascender has defined the new space romanticism with the creative direction across the whole product ranges. BT21 is a multiple characters who have been strongly inspired by the individual member of BTS and represents the personality of the each member. The way it reflects the identity of BTS across the creative strategy in product design is modern, confident and elegant with the sense of humour.
BT21은 BigHit와 LINE FRIENDS CREATORS가 함께 만든 방탄소년단 BTS의 캐릭터입니다. TATA라는 캐릭터가 RJ, CHIMMY, COOKY, MANG, SHOOKY, KOYA라는 친구들과 함께하는 SPACE ROMANCE 컨셉을 가지고 있습니다. 이 캐릭터들이 적용될때의 방향성을 설정하여 캐릭터와 어울리는 용기와 그래픽 엘리먼트를 사용하여 하나의 목소리를 낼 수 있는 화장품 패키지를 개발하였습니다.
BT21是由 BigHit和 LINE FRIENDS CREATORS共同打造的BTS卡通人物造型。在 ROMANCE概念下创造了卡通人物TATA与 朋友RJ, CHIMMY, COOKY, MAGNG, SHOOKY, KOYA。当这些卡通形象与产品融合时, 设定方向, 使用与卡通形象符合的容器和图案元素, 开发了发出声音的化妆品套装。
From the far distant space, TATA was always curious about everything across the universe. During his journey with VAN, they fell down to Earth accidentally. There. TATA made up his mind to become a superstar and met 6 of the most charming members: RJ, CHIMMY, COOKY, MANG, SHOOKY, KOYA. This is the beginning of the future UNIVERSTAR BT21...